My Best Friend Got a Girlfriend and Now Ignores Me

My Best Friend Got a Girlfriend and Now Ignores Me

Not talking to your best friend can be challenging when someone you’re close to starts a new romantic relationship or your best friend got a girlfriend and now ignoring you and seems to be neglecting other friendships. In your 20s friendships are the most important relations and when you get mistreated or abandoned by them it feels distressing. Every new relationship requires much effort to be effective, and as a friend, you need to be a little more understanding. 

Friend ignoring after getting a girlfriend

Your friend might pick up some new interests and hobbies based on his girlfriend’s preference. He even finds some new people who are friends with his girlfriend. This can be tough to deal with but you need to change, as adjusting to this new circumstance can be hard on you. 

Reasons why your best friend is ignoring you? 

It can be disheartening when a friend starts ignoring you after getting into a new relationship. While I don’t have specific information about your friend’s situation, there could be several reasons why this is happening: 

1. New Relationship Excitement: When someone starts a new romantic relationship, they may become engrossed in the excitement of this fresh connection. As a result, they might unintentionally neglect other relationships, including friendships. 

New relationship excitement

2. Time Constraints: A new relationship often demands significant time and attention. Your friend might be spending more time with their new partner, leaving less time for other friendships and activities. 

Time management in relationship

3. Prioritization: Your friend could be prioritizing their romantic relationship over other friendships for emotional support and companionship. 

prioritizing over other friends

4. Change in Interests: Sometimes, people’s interests and priorities change when they enter into a new relationship. They might focus more on shared activities and interests with their partner rather than their previous friends.

Change in interests

5. Fear of Judgment: Your friend might be worried about how you or others will react to their new partner or the changes in their behavior. They might be avoiding any potential conflicts or negative judgments. 

Friend worrying

6. Being Absorbed in Love: In the early stages of a relationship, some people can become infatuated and consumed by their feelings for their new partner, causing them to overlook other aspects of their life. 

Being absorbed in love

7. Lack of Communication Skills: Your friend may not be aware of how their behavior is affecting you or may not know how to balance their new relationship with maintaining other friendships. 

Lack of communication skills between friends

8. Misunderstandings: There could be misunderstandings or misconceptions on either side, leading to feelings of being ignored.

Misunderstanding in friendships

Ideas to revive your friendship

It’s essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. If you value your friendship, consider having an open and honest conversation with your friend. Express how you feel and ask if you have done anything to contribute to the situation. This communication can clear up any misunderstandings and strengthen the friendship. However, remember to be respectful of their new relationship and avoid being overly demanding of their time and attention. 

In such a situation where your friend is ignoring you after getting into a new relationship, here are some steps you can take:

1. Give Them Space: Understand that the early stages of a new relationship can be intense and time-consuming. Give your friend some space to enjoy this phase with their new partner.

Give Space to the Friends

2. Try to stay open-minded: Don’t jump to conclusions about why your friend is behaving this way. Avoid Making Assumptions and consider that there might be various reasons for their actions. 

Stay open-minded with friends

3. Start Communicating More: Reach out to your friend in a friendly and non-confrontational manner. Let them know that you miss spending time with them and would like to catch up. 

Communicate more with friends

4. Be Supportive: Show your friend that you support their new relationship. Ask them about their partner and express genuine interest in their happiness. 

Support your friends

5. Recognize their priorities: Recognize that your friend’s priorities might have shifted, but it doesn’t mean they value your friendship any less. They may need time to find a balance between their new relationship and existing friendships.

Recognize friends priorities in relationship

6. Organize Group Activities: Suggest group outings or activities where your friend can bring their partner along. This way, you can all get to know each other and spend time together. 

7. Be Patient: Building a new relationship takes time and effort. Be patient and allow your friend the opportunity to navigate this new phase in their life. 

8. Communicating is Important: If you’re feeling hurt or neglected, calmly express your feelings to your friend. Choose the right time and place to discuss your concerns. 

9. Avoid Being Too Demanding: Understand that your friend’s attention might be divided between their partner and existing friendships. Avoid putting pressure on them to choose between the two. 

10. Put Your Own Interests First: While it’s essential to maintain your friendship, don’t let it consume you. Focus on your own interests, hobbies, and other friendships to avoid feeling too dependent on one person.

11. Meet New People: If your friend continues to be distant, consider expanding your social circle and meeting new people. Engaging in new activities can help you meet individuals who share your interests and values.

Click on the link to know more about When Your Best Friend Ignores You: What to Do?

What to do when nothing works?

It can be challenging and frustrating if you’ve tried various approaches to address the situation and nothing seems to be working. Here are some additional steps you can consider taking: 

  1. Reflect on the Friendship: Take some time to reflect on the friendship and its history. Assess if this is a recurring pattern or if it’s specific to their new relationship. Consider whether the friendship has been mutually beneficial and supportive in the past.
Reflect on the friendship

2. Give It More Time: Sometimes, new relationships can be all-consuming in the beginning, but things may settle down with time. Give your friend more space and time to adjust to their new circumstances. 

3. Seek External Advice: If you’re struggling to understand the situation, consider seeking advice from a mutual friend, family member, or a trusted confidant. They might offer insights or perspectives that you haven’t considered. 

Couple Counselling

4. Accept the Change: As difficult as it may be, sometimes friendships naturally evolve or change due to life circumstances. It’s essential to accept that change is a part of life and that not all friendships will remain the same forever. 

Natural Change in friendships

5. Focus on Self-Care: Invest time and energy into self-care, personal growth, and nurturing other relationships in your life. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help you cope with the disappointment of a changing friendship. 

Focus on self care

6. Set Boundaries: If your friend’s behavior is consistently hurtful or disrespectful, it’s essential to set boundaries for yourself. Determine what you are willing to accept and what you need from the friendship. 

get freedom and expand your friends

7. Consider a Heart-to-Heart Conversation: If you believe there is still a chance to salvage the friendship, try having a heart-to-heart conversation with your friend. Be honest about how their behavior has affected you and express your desire to understand where they are coming from. 

Communicate more with friends

8. Accept the Friendship’s End: Sometimes, despite your best efforts, friendships can reach a natural end. Accept that the dynamics may have changed irreversibly, and it may be time to move on. 

9. Join Social Groups or Clubs: Consider joining social groups or clubs that align with your interests. This can help you meet new people and potentially form new friendships. It will help grow out of your past relationship. 

10. Seek Professional Support: If the situation is significantly impacting your emotional well-being and you find it difficult to cope, consider speaking to a mental health professional or counselor. They can provide guidance and support during this challenging time.

Friendships are a two-way street, and it’s crucial to prioritize relationships that are healthy and supportive. If a friendship is causing you significant distress or is consistently one-sided, let it go and focus on nurturing other relationships that bring positivity into your life. While it can be difficult, accepting friendships’ natural ebb and flow is part of personal growth and development.


Remember that every situation is unique, and underlying factors might influence your friend’s behavior. By showing understanding, being patient, and maintaining open communication, you can navigate this situation with empathy and strengthen your friendship in the long run. However, if your friend’s behavior remains consistently negative or hurtful, it might be necessary to reevaluate the relationship and consider seeking support from other friends or confidants.

Frequently Answered Questions

Why is my friend ignoring me after getting a girlfriend?

Based on his girlfriend’s preferences, your friend might develop some new interests and pastimes. Even new acquaintances of his partner are discovered by him. It can be difficult to deal with, but you must make a change because coming to terms with your new situation might be challenging for you. 

How do I get my best friend back from his girlfriend?

Tell your friend you would like to talk privately about something significant and personal. By doing this, you may be sure that his girlfriend won’t be around while you converse. Talk about your worries. Stick to the facts and explain to your friend why you are worried about the connection in an open and caring manner.

Why am I jealous that my best friend has a girlfriend?

You may be envious of your friend’s relationship for a variety of reasons. One explanation is that you’re single and desire a relationship, or that your current relationship is not fulfilling. You might also feel envious of other couples’ achievements.

How do I deal with my best friend’s girlfriend?

It’s crucial to manage this circumstance with as much poise as you can. There could be hurt feelings, broken friendships, and connections at many different levels in jeopardy. There is a lot to lose, including your friendship with your best friend, their romantic relationship, and the strong likelihood that trust will be betrayed. Don’t judge her girlfriend as they are in the honeymoon phase and absorbed in love. This is the time when you support your friend and his girlfriend with full support for a strong start in their new journey.